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Oakdale Staff- We just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate all of you at Oakdale. It was an agonizing decision that we had to make when it was obvious that Earl could no longer live on his own and would need to be in an assisted living facility. Oakdale wasn’t the first home we looked at, but thank goodness it was the last. It was such a perfect fit for him. He would often tell us stories about the different workers and residents whom he had become friends with (although we had a hard time figuring out who he was talking about because we often didn’t know what nickname went to who!). Thank you so much for your kindness, empathy, and patience. You all became a part of his family.

Allen & Diane Johnson

Resident Family Members 2017

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To the Oakdale Heights Team- What a great beginning! Helpful, friendly folks going the extra mile to make us feel welcome. Your chef is amazing, your servers are extraordinary, receptionist is warm, caregivers are sincere, and med techs are careful…I must say that your offer to have family eat on site with no charge for the first week was a huge help! I actually did not have time to shop and prepare meals while getting mom settled in! Eating together with her helped ease her into her new routine and for that I am grateful!

Marlene & Paul Gerboth

Resident Family Members 2016

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Kris, Thank you for your sincere, caring, and loving spirit towards my mother and ALL the residents at Oakdale Heights. If there were more people like you, this world would be a better place to live!

Judy Daniels

Resident Family Members 2017

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Dear Kris- I wanted to thank you and your team for all you’ve done to get my mom (Jean Henry) to Oakdale. It’s been a long time in the coming but we are finally there and she loves it. I wanted to let you know Dennis was an angel to me yesterday. He helped hang pictures, make beds, hang shower curtains, and so much more. I truly appreciate all of you and all you do for me and my mom. Many Thanks!

Val Harvey

Resident Family Members 2017

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As a home health nurse, I thoroughly enjoy seeing the residents at Sierra Oaks & Oakdale Heights. The staff treats everyone with friendliness, respect, and are very professional to work with; all while providing a home-like environments. Paying strong attention to individual needs and preferences. I greatly appreciate being a part of their team!

Rick Little

RN Healthy Living At Home 2018

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To the staff of Oakdale Heights- You can’t believe how relieved, happy, and much we appreciate you guys! You saved our mothers life with the Carr fire. We know it was hard on all of you. First to Sierra Oaks then to Chico, sacrificing your personal time through this hardship. We love you all!

Sandy Cerro, Deanna Westlake, & David Lundstrom

Resident Family Members 2018

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Dear Kris & Oakdale Heights & Sierra Oaks Staff- Words fail to express the gratitude and thankfulness both Jim and I have for the way you took care of not only my mother but all of the residents in your care during this horrific fire. All of you deserve a big “Thank You” and “accolades” the same as the First Responders, Fire Fighters, and the National Guard. We are deeply appreciative of the care and tenderness with which you have treated my mother in the years that she has been at Oakdale. She now seems to be very happy and content now. Thank you! Thank you!

Jim & Judy Daniels

Resident Family Members 2018

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The young lady that toured us around Oakdale Heights Assisted Living was excellent, very friendly, very knowledgeable, and answered all our questions, so we appreciate her. I couldn’t find a single thing I didn’t like about it. We’re very pleased with them. The facility was spacious, clean, and there’s a lot of light. The dining room was very attractive with high ceilings and high windows. They had a beauty salon, a craft room, and a medicine room. Everything was great.


Touring Guest 2021

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On this day, the 100th anniversary of the birth of the late Robert Robbins, MD, I wanted to take a moment to thank the management and staff of Oakdale Heights, Redding.

As you know, Bob nearly made his 100th birthday, passing away 11 days before that major milestone during his second hospitalization in less than a month. You should know that in the end he chose willfully and with the great clarity and presence of mind, with which he was blessed to the end, to decline further aggressive treatment, rather choosing “comfort care” at Mercy Medical Center. One day after making his decision, he passed away peacefully in his sleep with his two sons at his bedside, while piano music performed by his wife, Abi Robbins that he had himself recorded in their home in the 1960s played softly in the background. May we all be so fortunate!

We also want you to know he loved being at Oakdale for the nearly 20 years he was a resident, as did the family who learned “not to worry” about his care. Of course, one expects a clean and safe environment, with good food and caring staff, flexibility and adaptability of the physical surroundings and staff attention to meet the unique needs of the resident. What one does NOT expect, or even dare to hope for, is the response of senior staff members to his last illnesses. While he was in the hospital with a new small stroke about 2 weeks before his passing, I got a call at the nursing station on a Saturday evening from a staff member from his home, inquiring about bob. I told her of his current status, mentioning that it was not yet clear if he would be coming back to Oakdale or whether another facility would be required. She responded; ”he can absolutely come back, we can alter his level of care….This is his home, of COURSE we want him back no matter what.” Such comfort to the family in a time of uncertainty. During his last illness, upon calling different senior staff member to update Oakdale on his “comfort care” status, I was told, “we have patients on hospice care here, we want him back here.” Bob passed on several hours after that call, but again, Oakdale’s staffs flexibility and compassion was a great comfort to the family, beyond all reasonable expectations.

In medicine we often say that as physicians, “We can diagnose usually, cure sometimes, and comfort always”. How lovely and unexpected that we should find similar parallel ethos in an assisted living facility!

So, a big ‘thank you’ to each and every staff member who helped make Oakdale a great place for my father, and congratulation to management for having such a lovely and caring team and instilling and reinforcing the values that shone through at the end–The responses we got were no accident, and we thank you!

Peter S Robbins

MD, 2018

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My mom moved into Oakdale Heights, and she’s been there two weeks. She just started with dementia, so she’s at a pretty low level and she’s pretty independent and mobile. It’s a very friendly community with very attentive staff. There’s always somebody available to talk to if anything comes up. I’ve worked mostly with Amber, Lacey, and Debbie, and they’ve all been great. And then they have a maintenance guy there that helps you move stuff in, and his name is Kirk. And they’re just all great and friendly. She got to sit out in the sun yesterday, and a few of them were out in the sun and trying to enjoy that. She’s had a really enjoyable day. The dining area looks good, and the food is really good. They have three chefs, but all the food’s been really good. She has a typical apartment. She’s doing a shared apartment with somebody else, and they have two bedrooms, a living room, and a little kitchenette with a refrigerator and microwave. They always have something going on. Once a week they go on a scenic drive in their little bus. They have an available bus and every Tuesday, the seniors, if they want to, can go for a drive. They took them out to the lake the other day just to get out and about and go around. They’ll take them to doctor’s appointments for you if the family can’t make it to pick them up and take them, which is a nice amenity. We’ve used that once. They have bingo and crosswords, and they have a common area with a TV. What I liked about it is you could bring your own furniture into the apartment. That way your family member feels more at home with her own stuff. They’ve just been so great for us. It’s just a relief to know that she’s safe because we can’t be with her 24 hours a day. She does have a little bit of a memory problem, and so we just feel safer with her there. It’s a little bit of an older facility, but I think they’re now in the process of upgrading it, so I can’t wait to see when they’re done.


Resident Family Member 2/7/22